Live your best life.
Benefit from the revolutionary non-invasive Vasculife Flow Therapy! – It can change your life in a heartbeat!

Vasculife Flow Therapy
Professionally regarded as the ‘natural by-pass.’
What is Flow Therapy?
Enhanced External Counter Pulsation (EECP®) Flow Therapy is a non-invasive, FDA-approved treatment to reduce the number and intensity of angina episodes and improve blood flow.
Through the use of pressure cuffs on the lower limbs that inflate and deflate, it circulates oxygenated blood throughout the body thus reducing strain on the heart.
How it works
Patients lie on a comfortable bed while compression cuffs (similar to blood pressure cuffs) are wrapped around their calves, thighs, and lower hips. A computer regulates the inflation and deflation of cuffs in sync with the rhythm of the heart, using an EKG machine.

How it works
Patients lie on a comfortable bed while compression cuffs (not unlike blood pressure cuffs) are wrapped around their calves, thighs, and lower hips. A computer regulates the inflation and deflation of cuffs in sync with the rhythm of the heart, using an EKG machine.

Who benefits from Vasculife Flow Therapy?
The benefits of Flow Therapy are numerous and impressive. Angina episode sufferers, those experiencing chest pain, long COVID, shortness of breath, fatigue, and those whose ability to exercise is compromised, can all derive effective relief and improved quality of life. Learn more here…